Friday, November 29, 2019

Moral Crusade or Personal Vendetta Essay Example

Moral Crusade or Personal Vendetta Essay Abigail is not the only opportunist in Salem. The Putnams, whose daughter was one of the young women dancing in the woods, also seize the opportunity. Thomas Putnam is a greedy landowner in Salem. He systematically accuses his neighbours of witchcraft so that he might purchase their land after they hang. Like Abigail, there is a hidden agenda guiding Thomas Putnam, namely his greed for land. He too will stop at nothing to satisfy his greed. Miller has incorporated this into the play as The Royal Charter was revoked in 1692 and land ownership deeds became invalid creating a crisis of property rights. Individuals no longer felt secure with their landholdings thus feuds broke out regarding property rights and deeds of ownership. Ann Putnam also used the witchcraft trials for her own means. Mrs Putnam believes that a witch is responsible for the deaths of her seven infant children. She is resentful of Rebecca Nurse who has a large family and who has a reputation for good Christian deeds. Reverend Parris is the minister of the Christian puritan society in Salem. At the start of the play he discovers the girls dancing in the woods. One of the girls is his daughter, Betty, who falls ill after the event, and Abigail is his niece. We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Crusade or Personal Vendetta specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Crusade or Personal Vendetta specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Crusade or Personal Vendetta specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore, Reverend Parris is terrified of the consequences of their actions. This is more so as he feels that he is unpopular with many of the congregation I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-necked people to me, and now, just when some good respect is rising for me in the parish, you compromise my very character. Parris has used his sermons to demand money and possessions and thus divided the village. He believes people are plotting against him and a faction plans to force him to leave Salem so he attempts to strengthen his authority through the witch trials thereby using them for his own means. After Parris receives a death threat, and hears of a rebellion against the court in Andover, where there have been similar witch trials, Parris fears that the hanging of two such upstanding citizens as Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor will incite a rebellion in Salem, similar to the one in Andover. The reason he gives is that postponement now speaks of floundering on my part. He is not so much concerned about the lives of those condemned as about his own reputations. To determine if witchcraft is to blame for Bettys illness, Parris summons Hale, a Reverend from the Boston area. Unlike most of the other characters, Reverend Hale has nothing to gain from the trials and executions. He is a well meaning scholar with a reputation for knowledge and expertise symbolised by the many books he carries on entering the play. He also feels he can put the people of Salem at ease regarding their concerns about witchcraft. He does this by exhorting Tituba, the black slave, and the other girls to confess and denounce others to save themselves. When he succeeds he cries, glory to God, it is broken, they are free! Reverend Hale is on a moral crusade, striving for justice unlike many of the other characters. He is impressed by Elizabeth Proctors strong Christian faith. He is critical of John Proctors poor record of attendance at church and is dismayed at finding that John Proctor cannot remember the Ten Commandments. Ironically, the only of the Ten Commandments that he cannot name is, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Although Hale remains determined not to declare witchcraft unless he can prove it, he is taken in by the expectations of the people of Salem and begins by taking their evidence at face value. Later on, however, he attempts to correct his shortcomings when he realizes that Abigail is a fraud. Hale then devotes himself to attempting to persuade the other prisoners to confess in order to avoid executions. However, he does not realise that lies would only reinforce the slanders the court has already committed. Hales faith is severely tested in the play but although he questions his own faith he does not abandon religion altogether. The other character in the play who does not use the trials for his gain is the Deputy Governor, Danforth, who represents the authority of church and state. Danforth refuses to admit possibilities outside the strict confines of the church and he applies the law with a rigid harshness. Although he may be viewed as a villainous character who does not want to open his mind to the reality of the court being duped by a group of teenage girls after signing so many death warrants, he may also be viewed as someone on a moral crusade which results in his ruthless character. Although not on a moral crusade themselves, characters such as Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor are morally upright within the community. They are honest and will not confess to witchcraft as they would be confessing to something they had not done. Rebecca Nurse serves as a symbol of goodness and reason. Her character is impeccable, and her reputation flawless. At the outset she dismisses the behaviour of the young girls as part of their adolescence. She makes it quite clear that any searching for the devil based on the behaviour of the girls is, in itself, evil. Elizabeth and Rebecca Nurse show courage and calmness amidst the climate of fear and hysteria. The character analysis of the main people and their motives in the witch hunt trials shows Millers ability to create complex characters. Although Miller wrote a historical play set in the Puritan period, by inference, the McCarthy period, it is essentially a play about people and the human condition. Miller is adept at removing the outer covering of his characters to expose the inner workings as in a crucible. However, the historical setting of the play has affected style of language and the way the play has been written. He comments, No one can really know what their lives were like, neither can anyone know exactly how they spoke. Miller does not claim to have written a historically accurate play but he uses expressions which may have been used by the Puritan community. These include the use of Goody instead of Mrs; Id admire to know, instead of Id like very much to know, and open with me, instead of tell me the truth. Miller also makes some grammatical changes from modern usage; the verb to be is often changed; it were for it was and it be for it is. The tense of a verb is sometimes changed She gives instead of She gave. Furthermore, the West Indian slave, Tituba, is given her own dialect Devil, him be a pleasure, man in Barbados, him be singin and dancin Miller also drops the g at the end of words such as goin, beatin to denote a dialect. To add to the Puritanical setting Miller makes references to events in the Bible. Reverend Hale trying to persuade Elizabeth to confess says I have gone this three month like our Lord into the wilderness. Earlier, speaking of Abigail, Elizabeth Proctor says, where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel. Thus, without claiming to be totally accurate, Arthur Miller has created the impression of a rural, deeply religious society. As well as the language, rooms are sparsely furnished and severe Puritan costumes are used. This creates an austere tone. Moreover, even more important than the language and setting, Miller makes some of the characters morally vocal. People had principles and lived and died by them. Faith, conduct and society pervaded their lives. This is demonstrated particularly by the character of Goody Nurse and also John Procter who works hard to build a defence for those accused and finally decides to die rather than lose his good name by admitting to witchcraft. Miller uses the historical setting as an opportunity to express the dramatic use of hysteria. The general hysteria that spreads through the community of Salem after the first mention of witchcraft is used to induce an atmosphere of anxiety and guilt which brings out superstitious fears. The witchcraft is both caused and fuelled by fear and it is this fear that is the motivating force that leads neighbour to accuse neighbour and generates hysteria. The most powerful and dramatic of these is the girls hysteria when they pretend to be possessed. The climax to this hysteria appears at the end of Act III in the court when reverend Hale feels anguished at the way the witch hunt is being carried out. Despite John Proctors admission of adultery and his wifes lying to deny it, Reverend Hale is prepared to defend them and starts accusing Abigail of falsehood and pretence. This is a dangerous moment for Abigail and the other girls. She starts looking up at the ceiling and screams at a yellow bird which she says is Mary, trying to scratch her face. The other girls gape at the ceiling, seeing the bird, they start repeating every word that Mary says. This has a terrifying hypnotic effect on Mary, and also the audience. The action at the end of this scene is a demonstration of the power of hysteria to paralyse thought. This is one of the dramatic climaxes of the play. The important technique of delaying is used to great effect. To build up a climax, hints, clues and suggestions must be given earlier in the play, many of them left purposely unanswered so that the audience is kept wondering. An example of the way Miller develops climax within an act is Elizabeths fears at the beginning of Act Two; Marys reporting, later in the act, that Elizabeths name had been mentioned in court; Hales questioning of John and Elizabeth until she denies the existence of witches; Giless report that his wife and Rebecca Nurse had been arrested; and the climax to the act, Elizabeth being arrested herself. Millers use of lighting adds another dimension to the symbolism of the novel. The play begins in Act One with the morning sunlight, which streams through the leaded panes of the narrow window. There is a candle which still burns. The atmosphere is dim and dark to signify ignorance and evil. In Act Two, the door opening on the fields outside, must give a feeling of light and space and the stage direction to Act Three, which is the General Court indicates there is sunlight pouring through two high windows. This shows some goodness and truth trying to vanquish ignorance and evil. Act four opens in darkness but for the moonlight seeping through the bars of the cell; but by the end of the act, when Elizabeth grips the bars of the window, the new sun is pouring in upon her face. The word new in this last stage direction is a clue to the effect Miller wants the lighting to create. The narrow minded community cannot shut out the sun and moon. The new sunlight and gentle moonlight are symbols of an unconfined world outside and are emblems of hope in a world gone mad. The light which is a symbol of truth and hope floods in at the end because Proctor chooses to go to his death rather than sign a false confession. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller has created a work set in a historical period of Puritan Culture. He has used themes and events concerning witchcraft, superstition, the devil and fear, which were largely true in colonist America in the 1690s. He has also drawn parallels with the Puritan culture and that of the McCarthy trial during the 1950s. Miller has done this though narrative techniques which contain long comments on the background and on the characters which are given details by use of language, tone and setting. Therefore, this detailed characterisation makes The Crucible much more than a play in two parallel historical settings. It transcends historical backgrounds. Miller has produced a play which explores repression, resolution, fear and the response to it by the human conscience. It is a play in which private grudges and feuding erupts into controversies that overwhelm an entire community. The problems of a single man, according to Miller, are not enough to contain the truth of the human situation. Proctors conscience is the focus of the play. The initial situation of the play is well devised to prevent the social forces that later provide the major conflict for Proctor as he becomes aware of the witch hunts and reveals his temper, his strengths and weaknesses. At times it seems that evil may win over blind justice. Proctor is a proud and strong man whose one mistake causes his own downfall. The relentless forces of evil in this melodrama are inevitable. The balance between order and freedom, which once existed, as displayed by the character of Proctor is being destroyed. Social and personal conflicts are dramatised in his destruction. This is done by fraud and a self-imposed hypnotism on the part of a society in panic. The climax suggests a symbolic end of an era, the waste of human lives and the confused state of a mankind whose personal disaster shatters the balance of the world. Order to this shattered state is restored by the hero making a personal sacrifice. Some of the characters in The Crucible respond by behaving as though they are on a moral crusade and morally upright characters like Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor end up facing dilemmas of conscience and in conflict with authority. They would rather die than lose their good name by signing to witchcraft. However, a majority and insecurity are driven by fear to manipulate the situation for their own purposes and misinterpret events for their own end, until finally the situation and the events are out of control. An atmosphere of hysterical suspicion is created which drives people. Miller has created this. Miller has created this atmosphere in The Crucible by the use of technical features such as characterisation, language, stage directions and lighting.

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Tips for Keeping Warm at Work

5 Tips for Keeping Warm at Work It’s freezing. You can’t feel your fingers, and the warmth of summer is but a distant memory. Except you’re not even outside in the elements- you’re at your desk. Your complaints go unheeded by the Facilities team. You’d change the thermostat yourself, except Joe from Accounting sits closer- and he seems to have the blood of a Viking, judging by how often he turns the temperature down. And many offices prohibit space heaters these days due to fire hazards. So what do you do? There are ways to get around the office deep freeze.Put on some fingerless gloves.Keep your delicate mitts warm and flexible while you type those temperature complaint emails or post pictures of your arctic agony on Instagram.Wrap up in a heated scarf.This is totally a thing now! What a time to be alive†¦Bundle up.Just keep adding layers until you’re comfortable. This has the added bonus of coming in handy when the heat gets stuck in tropical mode, and you can peel t hem back off.Find your inner barista.Keep drinking hot tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. Not only will it warm you up, but staying hydrated is pretty key when temperatures are off.Take â€Å"business casual† to a new level.Okay, so wearing a Snuggie in the office is a bit drastic. But if things get to that point, double check your new interpretation of the dress code with HR.Stay warm, office dwellers! Spring will come again†¦uh, someday.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Scaling stages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scaling stages - Essay Example More frequently, this transport transpires by making use of diffusion. The transferable property, of a scalant component towards a surface mainly relies upon the System’s physical properties and those of its constituents. Transfer is equally dependent upon the concentration gradient flanked by the bulk fluid and the relative interface between fluid and surface. For the crystallisation scaling process, it is the diffusion of ions to the outside surface and for particulate scaling, it is in actuality the diffusion of colloids or particulate matter to the surface. It is not very frequent that all the materials transported across the surface actually bind. The combined forces affecting on the particles, as they draw nearer to the surface, play a very significant role. The properties of the particles such as: elasticity, density, state and surface, and the surface nature such as: the roughness and type of material play important roles in the sticking process of various particles to the surface. In between the process of the steady growth of the deposit upon the surface, there is always a contest between deposition and removal. Usually, the attached solid particles are transported away from the surface. The removal is dependent, relative to the fluid’s cut-off forces and also the level of persistence of the deposit. The deposition starts happening, as soon as the process of ageing occurs. Throughout this stage, there might be the conversion of crystal or chemical structure, whichever may increase or decrease the force of the deposition with

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Change in Food pricesin the last 10 years(choose one of the food Essay

Change in Food pricesin the last 10 years(choose one of the food commodities) - Essay Example Factors that influence the changes in prices of cereal when compared to overall prices of food are undertaken. There is also a discussion on the relationship between food prices and oil prices. To better examine and understand how food prices are changing, the FAO uses a metric known as food price index to measure changes in food prices on a monthly basis, an average of which is extended to yearly determination of changes in food prices. Below, data are presented to examine how cereal prices have changed over the last 10 years as compared to overall food prices. The cereals price index and food price index of the FAO are used in these analyses. The food price index is made up of the average of 5 food group price indices which are meat price index, diary price index, cereals price index, vegetable oil price index, and sugar price index (FAO, 2014). Cereals price index is on the other hand comprised of prices of such cereal products as wheat, rice, and maize. Figure 1 below compares food price index as an average of all food prices to cereal prices from 2005 to 2014. From figure 1 and table 1, it is seen that the prices of cereals as compared to overall food prices have alternated from 2005 to 2014. What this implies is that whenever food prices go up, cereal prices come down. At the same time, when food prices go down, cereal prices begin to rise. This has been the trend without any change. It can also be seen that from 2005 food and cereal prices both rose sharply till the middle of 2008 when prices began to fall. The fall however lasted for only 12 months till the middle of 2009 and prices started rising again till the last quarter of 2011, since which time there has been a steady decline. The data above shows two major trends, one of which is the periods within the last 10 years when prices have gone up and when prices have come down. This section tries to compare the trend of changes

Monday, November 18, 2019

What are causes and effects of not conforming to social pressure Essay

What are causes and effects of not conforming to social pressure - Essay Example According to Asch’s research, most subjects tend to trust their own decisions even though they are under pressures that the confederates try to force subjects into changing their opinion. As a result, conformity is not totally necessary for people in order to stay in the group. Having a fashionable high technology product is what most people want today, especially the iPhone from the Apple Company. It is built with the latest technology and with elegant looks. Many people are conforming to buy it because of the advertising and existing users’ pressure. Their envy makes them follow others’ behavior. I was once asked by my friends to replace my phone with the iPhone because they are all using it. However, I refused to buy it because I feel I do not need it. It is not necessary to have such an expensive cell phone that I may not use the full functions of. I always ask myself the question of why I have to be like everyone else. Indeed, there is certain conformity such as traditional culture that people should follow, but it doesn’t mean that I should behave like some of those people buying pointless, fancy products. Even though I do not conform to social pressure, there is nothing changing in my life. I am still part of my social group, where my friends do not judge me as an outsider. Actually, there is nothing wrong with nonconformity. At least I have my own value to analyze anything. My mind and behavior are not controlled by someone else. So, I can have my own principle to do what I want. Similar to Asch’s experiment, only people who trust their own judgment will get the correct answer. However, people who conform to the group pressure are just for their self-complacence. They think it is the only way the group can accept them and have the same place in the conversation. In fact, it is how social groups make people think they are in the top trend and control their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Persuasion Techniques In Advertisement Media Media Essay

Persuasion Techniques In Advertisement Media Media Essay Introduction The main theme of this paper is to discuss the topic of persuasion in the media through the usage of several examples to explain some of the techniques used to perform this function. Persuasion is one of the many different types of communication that exist, and the best way to begin to define the persuasive communication is primarily giving a definition of what communication is. A quite widespread definition about what communication is would be to say that communication is the action or process where there is an exchange of information of any kind between two or more individuals. Also, it is important to understand that this process is dynamic, transactional, it affects both the sender of the message, and who listen to it and receive it. Persuasive communication is outside our consciousness, since it influences us and manipulates more than what we usually realize. We often hear about the power of specific communicators. We also know that those who control information are very powerfu l. When we talk about the power public speaking, we are only recognizing what experts have known for years, we recognize that communication that influences others is a powerful weapon. The main problem is that the persuasive communication is a tool that can be used for good or bad purposes, to change behaviors, but in one way or another it is important to recognize that it is a powerful tool. For this reason, although the communication fulfils different functions, the purpose is this paper is to show how in the media through the marketing advertisements, we can also use persuasion as a tool to persuade the audience into buying a product. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) Slim Fast In this ad for Slim Fast, the target audience is middle class females who are in a stage of their lives in which they have a successful career. Women are very aware of their weight usually more than men do. Also inside their main audience target, the ad appeals minority females in their 30 and older since this is the time when most start to achieve success climbing the career ladder and at the same time most already have family making it more difficult to take care of their bodies since time is now limited and there is no much room for exercise. The quick and easy answer is Slim Fast. Therefore, the ad shows that a woman in her 30s can have a healthy and thin body because she uses the Slim Fast product. Even the name is persuasive, Slim-Fast, this implies not much work, for people in a hurry to lose weight. In the ad they used as spokesperson a celebrity, a person women could identify with and the before and after pictures are always very effective to persuade audience this is a trusted product. This audience is all about success, and to represent a person who is being successful in life, we must be thin. Not being able to take good care of your body, especially for women in the professional work environment could be seen as a failure. The ad utilizes strategies from the Elaboration Likelihood Model(ELM) to persuade its audience. First the ad uses visual elements to motivate the usage of mental processes to motivate audience to accept the persuasive message. The ad makes good use of the analysis results to understand the audience in order to come up with the ad strategy. In the ELM model the ad used the peripheral route by the celebrity endorsement since it is a way to connect the audience with the product since it helps the receiver think about something that the person is familiar wit h(after all weight lost, is a Fact of Life-TV show where the celebrity being used in this ad became popular back in the early 80s, period when the target audience where in their late teens) and to rely on audience lack of capability to achieve the goal to reduce weight. Lastly self-esteem is effectively appealed by this same route since by gaining audience emotional involvement to demonstrate if the actress selected was able to do it, the audience can do it too. Social Judgment Theory In this advertisement for Mercedes-Benz, the target audience is upper middle class individuals who are coming up in the professional ladder. Young executives like to demonstrate in the way they dress, what they eat, and more important what they drive, that they are successful people. For most people cars make a social status statement, and what better statement to show everybody how successful we are, by getting a Mercedes-Benz. The biggest challenge for many people in getting such a prestigious car is the cost, and in the ad, they already give the solution; raise expectations, but not the payments. The persuasive message is why settling for less if now you can get a Mercedes-Benz for an affordable price. This ad uses subliminal persuasion since in the picture the car is driving up, or heading up. In other words, once again, we see the message about moving up the professional ladder. In addition in the picture the cars wheels are in motion, another subliminal message of the always m oving and fast-paced on how people judge individuals who are working towards achieving their goals. It is interesting to see in the picture the lack of color to give the impression of a classical and somewhat elegant item. This advertisement utilizes strategies from the Social Judgment Theory to persuade its audience. My interpretation of the use of this theory in the ad, is that when people receive the nonverbal message, they immediately judge the ad message based on how they view and measure being successful, and to be able to own this car, will give them the prestige they view as representation of the success they are experiencing in their personal and professional lives. The message was crafted keeping in mind an audience who has a high ego-involvement based on their values and views of how they measure success and this enable a high level of acceptance/agreement with the message. Professionals in their social networks and affiliations usually will agree with the majority opinion more often than not, and in this type of groups most of them own or wish they could own a Mercedes-Benz. This is a result of high ego-involvement, or taking on the groups views/judgments as ones own. Subliminal Co-Creation Theories In this lipstick ad, the target audience is women-young adults in their 20s 30s who are not afraid to express themselves. They want to look sexy, they want to feel sexy for the opposite sex, and they are looking for company and what better than using a red lipstick. Young adults are always looking for action, are not afraid of risks, and in this ad we see two nice looking adults who are not afraid to demonstrate to each other how they are feeling and what they want. The persuasive approach is very graphic and it is used by having beautiful women with white complexion to highlight the redness of her bold, shiny lips. The use of sex appeal, and color, is part of the persuasion process to convince audience it is ok to be beautiful and this lipstick will give them the lips theyve always wanted and it would drive men crazy. The subliminal approach continues with the way she is using the lipstick (girls mouth open while using the lipstick) and the man kissing her, suggesting that she feels sexy wearing the lipstick and it could lead for more than just a kiss. The Co-creation process is clearly used in this ad since it leads audience to co-create what is going on or what is about to happen with the couple in the picture. Once again this is a very effective approach to appeal to the main audience this ad is targeting since they are in their prime age and are interested to attract the opposite sex. The picture is not complete since we cannot see where th ey are, are they dressed or not dressed? or what their eyes look like, giving audience the opportunity to imagine different scenarios where the action is taking place; her apartment, his house, or at a club. The co-creation process is used by omitting information in the picture which helps audience co-create their own unique scenario with the expectation that this will help persuade potential buyers to get the product since once we co-create a unique scenario it can have a more effective appeal to me as an individual. Compliance Gaining Theory Kama Sutra Condoms In this ad for Kama Sutra condoms, the target audience is adults in their 20s to 30s who are self-confidents and are very clear of what they want and are not afraid to ask for it. Men self esteem many times is measured by the capability to satisfy women, and the ad provides an answer to this dilemma. This ad persuades men with the message that they not just will have sex but they will be able to enjoy it more because they would achieve to experience it for much longer by using this condom. In the other hand Women are also persuaded with this ad, since the message is that not only they will have safe-sex by getting protection, but it will not limit their capability to be satisfied. The picture shows a good-looking people which also appeals to audience by sending this message that good-looking people know how to have fun. I believe sexually explicit pictures attract attention, are interesting and engaging, and direct processing resources toward the sexual stimulus and this lead to a p ositive attitude towards the product. This advertisement utilizes strategies from the Compliance Gaining Theory to persuade its audience. The persuasive message is very interpersonal by clearly establishing the promise that the people who use this product are rewarded. The product clearly sends this message by writing in big letters right in the front package: long last. There are different elements of this theory used in this ad, since also I can see the debt factor playing in the persuasive message, since most men feel like they owe women the pleasure of sex. In addition, self-feeling is very evident since using this product will make both feel very good by having a long and fulfilling time. The esteem element is also played in the ad since the ad establishes that by using it, the partners will be satisfied. In summary both female and male audience will be positively influenced by this ad by appealing to their self-gratification. CONCLUSION We can see how in the media and in particular advertising, the process of persuasion is critical in order to achieve success through the process to convince the audience to acquire certain products, either goods or services. To achieve persuasion, advertising media uses different methods and strategies to present a product or service as something necessary for the consumer. We are surrounded by advertising everywhere. Posters in the subway, clothing brands, advertisements on television, making us feel we are constantly being targeted by persuasion messages which are impossible to get rid of it. Advertising is executed by people and, therefore, is subject to the same virtues and their same defects but, what is very important is to acknowledge that it is a powerful communication tool. For that reason, it is important to learn more about the different persuasion strategies that are used in the media in order to determine when we are being targeted to get something that really we do not need or convince us to change our principles.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Love in The Beauty and the Beast and Shrek Essay -- Movies Fairytales

Love in The Beauty and the Beast and Shrek Love is a common theme not only in the entertainment industry, but as well as in life. Love sells, and people in the movie industries understand this and gain from the profit. Movies often portray love between two people who are both beautiful, and not always the best person they can be on the inside. In Disney’s The Beauty and the Beast and Dreamworks’ Shrek not only do they have two people fall in love, but also they show how love is blind. When Lord Farquaad condemned all of the fairy tale creatures to Shrek’s (an ogre) swamp, he makes his way to the castle, with his trusty side-kick Donkey, to demand their removal. While there, he won a fight against the best knights of the land, and won the chance to go on a quest for Lord Farquaad. The quest was to go save Princess Fiona from the highest tower, where a dragon was guarding her. After successfully rescuing the princess, it was time for Shrek to deliver her to Lord Farquaad. During the journey back, both Princess Fiona and Shrek fall for each other. After over hearing a conversation between the princess and Donkey, Shrek felt betrayed and unloved. During the wedding, Shrek found out that she too is an ogre, though only at night, and that she loved him for who he is. Shrek interrupts the wedding to give Princess Fiona, true loves first kiss, which turns her into an ogre forever. The two fall in love and get married. Not only did they fall in love, but Donkey and the Dragon fell in love as well. Love was the major theme for Beauty and the Beast. The love for a father, a beast/ man, and for one’s self. Papa, an inventor that does not yet have a following, took a wrong turn and came upon a ca... ...he could not. As well Lord Farquaad did not ever love Fiona but just wanted to marry her in order to become a king and not just a lord, and when Shrek expressed his love for Fiona and their wedding, Lord Farquaad could not understand how a Princess could fall in love with an ogre. Love conquered all things in both movies. Nothing could stand in the way of love, no one no matter what the circumstance could come between Bell and the Beast, and Shrek and Princess Fiona. Though when their love was revealed both the Beast and Princess Fiona changed to take true love’s form, they loved and were loved for whom they were. The movies show a good example in life, how we should not date someone just because of what they look like, looks fade, but personalities are forever.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Network Design in Supply Chain

18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR STORAGE WITH CUSTOMER PICKUP 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR STORAGE WITH CUSTOMER PICKUP ? Inventory is stored at the distributor or manufacturer ? Orders are shipped to designated pickup points where customers come and pick up their order 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR STORAGE WITH CUSTOMER PICKUP ? Cost factors ? Inventory; is low, aggregation at the manufacturer or distributor ? Transportation is lowest when using package carrier due to aggregation at pickup locations Facility and handling; facility costs are high if pick-up location does not exist already. Handling costs at pickup locations are high. ? Information system; More elaborative and sophisticated, extra system at the pickup locations. ? Service factors ? Response times; comparable to delivery with package carriers ? Customer experience; worse since customer has to pickup the item himself. On the other hand, since custo mer do not need to wait at home for delivery and customer can pay cash at the pickup location instead of paying online in advance, some customers may like pickup option better. Time to market is similar to other options with manufacturer storage ? Order visibility is very important. Customers should be informed when their orders arrive. ? Returns are easier to handle at pickup location. Returns can be aggregated and shipped back from pickup locations. 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin RETAIL STORAGE WITH CUSTOMER PICKUPS ? Inventories are stored in retail stores, customers walk into the store to pick the items they want or items they have ordered online or by phone. Mixed order placement options. Most traditional option. 8. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin RETAIL STORAGE WITH CUSTOMER PICKUPS ? Cost Factors ? Inventory costs are higher than other options as the inventories are disaggregated and held locally ? Transportation costs are lower than other solutions. Inexpensive modes can be used to reple nish inventories at retail outlets. ? Facility costs are high. Many local facilities. ? Information system; Minimal if there is no online ordering option. For online option more complex information system especially for order visibility. ? Service Factors Response times are very good. Same day pickup for most products. ? Product variety is lower than other options. ? Product availability is costly to keep high. ? Customer experience depends on if the customer likes to shop or not. ? Time to market is highest. ? Order visibility is important if online ordering is allowed. ? Returns can be handled at the stores easily. 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin E-BUSINESS AND THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ? Impact of E-Business on Customer Service ? Response time; For product that can be downloaded very fast.For physical products takes longer to fulfill an order than regular retail stores. ? Product variety; easier to offer variety than brick-and-mortar store. (Amazon; imagine the retail store with the sa me variety offered by Amazon) ? Product availability; Better information gathering and forecasting. Better mach between supply and demand, improved product availability. ? Customer experience; ? ? ? Access; 24 hour access. Geographically eliminating the access limits. Customization; customization of product and shopping experience. Dell, Amazon – displays related products) Convenience; Making the purchase at where you are.. Increased speed of conducting business. (e. g. Use of previous data for address info) ? Time to market; Fast. A new product can be made available as soon as a the first unit is ready. Dell exploits this feature. ? Order visibility; Critical to provide. Internet makes this happen. ? Returnability; Harder issue compared to traditional stores since items are sent from a central location usually. More returns with online purchases. 18. 12. 2011Fusun Ulengin E-BUSINESS AND THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ? Impact of E-Business on Customer Service ? Other benefits of e -business ? ? ? 18. 12. 2011 Enhanced revenues for manufacturers by eliminating intermediaries and having direct contact with customer. Dell v. s. HP. Flexible pricing, promotion and product portfolio ? Airline last-minute low cost seat, Dell’s ability of dynamic pricing depending on the component availability and demand. Efficient fund transfers; Quicker and cheaper. Fusun Ulengin E-BUSINESS AND THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Impact of E-Business on Cost ? Inventory; Better mach of supply and demand, geographical aggregation lowers inventories. Ability of postponement also helps reducing inventory costs. ? Facilities and Handling ? ? ? ? Less and centralized facilities, fewer intermediaries lower facility cost. E-business can reduce the handling costs in order fulfillment by having the customer do some part of the process, e. g. checking product availability, entering details of the order. Smoothing the rate of order fulfillment, thus reducing the resource requirements.Unlike the retail stores orders don’t have to be processed as soon as they arrive. On the downside, for some products like groceries, an e-business has to carry out some tasks currently performed by the customers at retail stores. E. g. Picking the items customer wants and carrying home. ? Transportation; Usually higher cost due to increased outbound transportation costs. For downloadable products, significantly less transportation cost. ? Information; Shared demand information, better coordination and collaboration reduces the overall supply chain costs.The cost of setting up the information system required can be significant. 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin E-BUSINESS AND THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ? The value that e-business brings is not the same in every industry. ? Dell; a success story while Webvan is a failure ? E-business-Scorecard can be used to help decide if e- business is appropriate for your business, how it effects your distribution network in costs and customer services. ? All the costs and customer service factors are given a integer score from +2 (very positive) to -2(very negative) 18. 12. 2011 Fusun Ulengin

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Historical Perspective of Ethics of Care

There is vague and indescribable meaning is attached with the word care, which is interchangeably used for caring, compassion, humanitarianism, altruism, beneficence, or philanthropy. â€Å"For where there is love of man (philanthropia)’, reads a famous passage in the pseudo-Hippocratic treatise Precepts (Precepts, 6),†there is also love of the art (philotechnia)[1]. The term â€Å"philanthropia’, means literally ‘Love of Mankind, original meaning of the word was the benevolence of the god for man, this is the term used for Care. Sir William Osler saw in this maxim evidence of Greek physician’s ‘love of humanity associated with the love of his craft-philanthropia and philotechnia-the joy of working joined in each one to a true love of his brother. ’[2] Plato, in the Republic (Republic, 340, C-347 A) raised a question on self- interest is the motive behind all human efforts, especially political activity. Galen, in a work entitled on the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, discusses this specific passage from the Republic, after summarizing it he mentions â€Å"Some pursue the medical art for the sake of money, others for the exemptions granted by law, certain ones on account of Philanthropia, just as others for the glory or honor attached to the art. Hellenistic and roman thoughts on philosophic and popular ethics were also influenced by the humanitarian and cosmopolitan ideas. After the for the century before Christ the word philanthropic came to used the expression of comprehensive love of mankind and a common feeling of humanity. This may be the result of Alexander’s conquest of the East or for lessening importance of individualism of the fourth century. Edelstein quotes that the morality of outward performance characteristics of the classical era was now supplemented by the inner intention. The word Philoanthropia is frequently used by Christen writers but not mentioned that often in new Testament, the word used is agape meaning ‘God is love’. There is gap between these two words as the dynamic of Ethics. Christen Philanthropy means practice of love, mercy and justice are vital element in the worship of God (Micah 6:6-8). Henry Sigerist has viewed about Christianity, he writes’ the most revolutionary and decisive change in the attitude of society towards sick. Christianity came into the world as the religion of healing, as the joyful Gospel of redeemer and of Redemption. It addressed itself to the disinherited, to the sick and afflicted, and promised them healing, a restoration both spiritual and physical. It became the duty of Christian to attend the sick and the poor of the community’. Here the word â€Å"Care’ has got its meaning. Rannan Gillion's statement ‘Mature medical morality has since Hippocratic times incorporated at its centre a moral concern for nurturing and care for its sick patients; meeting the needs of sick patients has been the moral driving force of medical ethics since its inception. Lord Walton describes how Christianity decisively influences the Hippocratic tradition. Doctor-Patient relationship was taught all by Hippocrates, Socrates, Palto and Aristotle. The fundamental to this concept of Doctor- Patient relationship was the concept of philia, used both for the art of medicine and patient. Based on the same idea, this was further developed by the Greek doctor, the relationship developed for the patients that was first influenced first by the love of mankind and second by love of his art of medicine. Despite the belief, there was differential treatment for people based on their status, care to the patient was abstract, not the individual patient, Greeks only seemed to consider discussions on life style and cause of disease to benefit the rich, this was not appropriate for poor and slaves. This was thought that it was unethical to treat deadly disease, for this challenge nature and the doctor would risk paying the penalty. Thus in the Hippocratic tradition the doctor did not treat the incurably sick or terminally ill and he made the judgment in that no doctor would treat anyone leading an immoral life. But in Christianity love for man in nature was transformed into love for thy neighbor and doctor was to treat all patients irrespective of class, stratus, and ability to pay. The work of doctors also involved the care for all sick and consolation of the terminally ill. So Care was a prerequisite for both the development of nursing and medicine, which embraces the quit essential purpose of care. Murdoch perceives to be the warmth and coldness in the morality; it is there are Buber's I and Thou, which has rejected by Noddings. The detached rationality of duty and responsibility is held together with the warmth of love and compassion by virtue of their meeting in God. Buber argued giant Carl Rogers, in a professional relationship, in which one partner has needs which other does not, in which one person comes for help to others, the genuineness of relationship depends upon the maturity which is greater than both partners. The relationship with care taker and giver can be temporary and unequal, necessary detachment is its strength . security and protection for the vulnerable. Objectivity and necessary detachment need to be combined and balanced with the subjectivity and warmth of fellow feeling as true compassion. Here is the meaning of agape, the Judeo-Christian concept of altruistic love, stemming from the all-embracing Thou, the root of Buber's understanding for the me and the you in human relationship. Kant also does not escape the grounding of Judaeo-Christian tradition. His view of morality is influenced by it. Kant although chooses to try and escape the theological imperative and ground his categorical imperative in human rationality alone, as a result of this his moral position could not be grounded. We need to question both extentialist, Noddings and rationalist Kant about † why', why should we care? Nietzsche asked the same to Kant's approach. If our moral outlook is independent of external and objective norms-or perhaps s Gilligan suggests, we become more mature and less abolitionist in our moral understanding – then the effect it is up to us to make our own morality, in that case one is better than other, this is the matter of personal preference. Nietzsche emphasized on personal empowerment, by getting rid of all the constraints of traditional morality that held them back from actualizing their true potentials. . As per them, God is Myth, so the idea of morali ty influenced by the outdated notion should be thrown off. The restriction imposed by the Judaeo-Christian should also be thrown off and one new to take his/her life the way one wants. Nietzsche calls for re-definition of the values and concept of care. As per their view ‘ The sick man is a parasite of society. In a certain stage it is indecent to live longer. To go on vegetating in cowardly dependence on physician and machinations, after the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost, that ought to prompt a profound contempt of society. It may be more ‘caring' not to ‘care'. The view of re-shaping of the values of society and attitudes of the members of society is further elaborated by the modernist and post modernist philosophy from Heidegger to Foucault. Ethics of Care in Islam In Islam the ethics of care is discussed . Professor Serour, discussing the Islamic perspective, recalls that the first known documents dealing with medical ethics are Egyptian papyri (16th century BC) in which, as long the doctor followed the rules, they were held to be non- culpable, should the patient die. If the doctor transgressed the rules and the patient dies, the doctor paid with his life. Hammurabi set fees according to the social status of the patient. Codes were laid down for physicians and surgeons. Serour cautions those who presume to judge acts of others from a different culture. Ethics is based on moral, philosophic and religious principles of the society in which they are practised. Ethics may differ from one culture to another. He also counsels those with a strong religious background to differentiate between medical ethics and humanitarian considerations on the one hand and religious teachings and national laws on the other. What is legal might not be ethical. The law rarely establishes positive duties such as beneficence and can be, and is, used not only to deny justice but also to deny respect to persons and to do harm. Serour emphasises that ethical norms are guidelines. The context must govern judgement. He adds a fifth principle: The human being should not be subject to commercial exploitation. Islam is governed by the Sharia which, in turn is based, in chronological order, on the Holy Quran (the word of God), the Sunna and Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Mahomet developed by jurists), the unanimous opinion of Islamic scholars or Aimma (Igmaah) and finally, by analogy (Kias). If an instruction on a certain issue is provided in the Quran, it is the one to be followed. Islam permits flexibility, adaptation to the necessities of life and shifts in ethical stands based on the current culture. Dr. K. Zaki Hasan describes Unani medicine as a synthesis of the ancient Greek, Indian and Persian systems. Its practitioners, along with the teacher and cleric shared a common role and culture with a primary social, not monetary, objective. Indian philosophers on Ethics of care: Indian philosophers consider the ethical implications of the Indian classical theories of Karma(Action and Habit) These theories usually proposes rebirth – that is , reincarnation in a human or animal form, in this world rather world, Since, on the presumption of karma, the nature of one's deeds determines one's future state, the universe includes laws of moral payback. Indian classical philosophers weave numerous variations on such views into the overall stances, including Budhdhist,Vedantic, Logis and Carvaka views Ancient Indian thoughts, philosophy developed with rational synthesis , spirituality was the foundation of Indian culture. The fundamental basis of ethics arises from the Hindu belief that we all are art of the divine ‘Parmatman’. According to Vedas(4000 BC to 1000 BC), the call to love your neighbor as yourself is â€Å"because they neighbor is in in truth they very self and what seperates you from him is mere illusion(maya). Closely allied to Hinduism are Budhdhism and Jainsim. These religion proclaim â€Å"Ahimsa† as ‘Saarvatha sarvada sarvabutananz anabhidroha,’ a complete absence of ill-will to all beings. The ultimate aim is for our Atman to coalesce with Parmatman or Brahman to become one. According to the Vedas (4000 RC to 1000 BC), the call to love your neighbour as yourself is ‘because thy neighbour is in truth thy very self and what separates you from him is mere illusion (maya). ’ Closely allied to Hinduism are Jainism and Buddhism. These religions proclaim Ahimsa Paramo Dharma. Most important of all our actions is alzinzsn, non- violence. Patanjali defined ahimsa as Sarvatha sarvada sarvabutananz anabhidroha(1) , a complete absence of ill- will to all beings. Ayurveda is the ancient science of life. It lays down the principles of management in health and disease and the code of conduct for the physician. Charaka has described the objective of medicine as two fold; preservation of good health and combating disease. (2) Ayurveda emphasised the need for healthy life- style; cleanliness and purity, good diet, proper behaviour, and mental and physical discipline. Purity and cleanliness were to be observed in everything: jalasuddi (pure water), aharasuddi (clean food), dehasuddi (clean body), manasuddi (pure mind) and desasuddi (clean environment). Ayurveda calls upon the physician to treat the patient as a whole: ‘Dividho jayate vyadih, Sariro manasasthatha, Parasparanz tavorjanma, Nirdvadvam nopalahhyate. (Diseases occur both physically and mentally and even though each part might be dominant, they cannot be compartmentalised). Ayurveda treats man as a whole body, mind and what is beyond mind. The earliest protagonists of Indian Medicine, such as Atreya, Kashyapa, Bhela, Charaka and Susruta have based their writings on the foundations of spiritual philosophy and ethics. But the one teacher of Ayurveda who established the science on the foundation of spirituality and ethics was Vagbhata, the author of Astanga Hridaya(3) . Vagbhata says:Sukarthah sarvabutanam, Matah sarvah pravarthayah, Sukham ca na vina dharmat, thasmad dharmaparo bhavet_( All activities of man are directed to the end of attaining happiness, whereas happiness is never achieved without righteousness. It is the bounden duty of man to be righteous in his action). Charaka Samhita prescribes an elaborate code of conduct. The medical profession has to be motivated by compassion for living beings (bhuta- daya)â€Å". Charaka’s humanistic ideal becomes evident in his advice to the physicians’. He who practices not for money nor for caprice but out of compassion for living beings (bhuta- daya), is the best among all physicians. Hard is it to find a conferor of religious blessings comparable to the physician who snaps the snares of death for his patients. The physician who regards compassion for living beings as the highest religion fulfils his mission (sidhartah) and obtains the highest happiness.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Health insurance Essays

Health insurance Essays Health insurance Paper Health insurance Paper Health insurance is sold in three interconnected markets, which can be divided into employer-group, small-group, and individual (or non-group) insurance markets. Some carriers actively sell coverage in all three markets but most do not. More often, the one can observe large carriers selling coverage to large-employer groups, and smaller carriers selling in the small-group and individual markets. In addition to these three types of markets, every state (and the District of Columbia) regulates how insurance is sold within its borders. The states have different regulations governing facets of insurance ranging from what benefits must be covered by insurance policies to how rates are determined to requirements about financial reserves. While this is true that most people are covered through the workplace, it is equally true that when these people lose their jobs, they also lose their health benefits. According to experts in this field, on average, for each jobless worker who has lost insurance, at least one child or spouse covered under the same policy has also lost protection. The situation and the need to invest in health insurance are aptly summed up by Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio. â€Å"No matter how bad the condition of the economy - we can’t delay pursuing comprehensive health care,† said Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio. â€Å"There are too many victims who are innocent of anything but working at the wrong place at the wrong time† (The New York Times). Purchasing health insurance becomes all the more imperative for the elderly. The risks of experiencing major health problems and incurring substantial medical expenses increase dramatically for people ages 55–64, so the consequences of lacking insurance may be more severe (W. Johnson and S. Crystal). Recent studies reveal that uninsured American adults receive less appropriate care and fewer needed health services than their insured peers. The same study also suggests on the need for health insurance to improve quality in services. According to it, coverage to the near-elderly uninsured may greatly improve health outcomes for these groups (J.Z. Ayanian). These figures point to the importance of buying health insurance. According to a study In 2006, Americans spent over $7,000 per capita on health care, up from $2,400 in 1980 and $800 in 1960 (all in 2006 dollars). National health care spending has grown more rapidly than the economy as a whole, so health care accounts for an increasing share of the overall economy (Chart 4-1). National health care spending now accounts for about 16 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), up from 9.1 percent in 1980 and only 5.2 percent in 1960. Yet the scene has now changed dramatically. According to the Census Bureau, After climbing steadily for six years, the number of Americans without health insurance dropped by more than a million in 2007, to 45.7 million (Ian Urbina). The health experts also reiterate this by pointing out that the rate of people without health insurance in the USA went down by 15.3 percent in 2007, from 15.8 percent a year earlier. Health insurance can greatly help to bring down your medical bills and also provide you the much needed security if you are unfortunate enough to be suffering from any kind of disease. This is because as medical care advances, so do the costs for treatment. The very purpose of health insurance is to provide you the much needed care you require in difficult times. Health insurance not only protects you and your family financially in times of unexpected injury or illness but can also provide you with preventive care options. Remember that you can never predict what your medical bills will be. In some years they may be low and in others they may be high but at all times you will atleast have your piece of mind knowing that you and your family are protected against diseases and injuries. Also keep in mind that there is a direct relationship between health insurance and health care. For one, you are free of tensions and secondly health insurance provides for regular visits by the doctor and so you get quality services when you need it. You can buy health insurance for yourself and your family directly from insurance companies. However, before making a choice, do take time to study various health plans and then buy which best fits your requirements. Let me point out that you have a choice of buying Managed health care, which has quickly become the most common type of health insurance in the United States. With health care costs almost constantly on the rise, managed care health insurance can offer a more affordable option to traditional fee-for-service (or indemnity) plans. Managed plans stress preventative medicine too, so if most of your annual medical expenses come from check-ups and the like, this may be a good bet. You also have the option of taking an indemnity plan. This plan on the other hand, will almost certainly be more expensive, but if you have a trusted physician youd like to keep, or suffer from frequent illness, the additional cost is probably worth it. I conclude by saying that national health care expenditures are expected to nearly double over the next 10 years. Thats largely due to the increased use and cost of prescription drugs, advances in medical technology and treatments, hospital equipment and services, increased specialty care, over-use of emergency rooms for non-emergency needs, and other factors. In the light of this the only way out for us is to ensure that we have health insurance to tide us through the rough weather. References The Importance of Health and Health Care. Chapter 4 J.Z. Ayanian et al., Unmet Health Needs of Uninsured Adults in the United States, Journal of the American Medical Association 284, no. 16 (2000) The New York Times. When a Job Disappears, So Does the Health Care Ian Urbina. A Decline in Uninsured Is Reported for 2007. W. Johnson and S. Crystal. R.W. Johnson and S. Crystal, Health Insurance Coverage at Midlife: Characteristics, Costs, and Dynamics, Health Care Financing Review 18, no. 3 (1997):

Monday, November 4, 2019

E-Commerce Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Commerce Systems - Essay Example E-commerce is not only limited to the exchange of goods or services, it involves a broad range of activities in different departments such as design, finance, promotion, distribution etc (OECD 2001). This has become one of the most popular and productive sources for business transactions (Kerner 2005). Companies invest great deal of their resources to have an appealing presence on the internet to attract consumers towards their products and services. There are two main classifications on the basis of which strategies are formulated to promote and market the products and services of the respective company- business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). These classifications are made on the basis of the type of target market that is chosen by the business owner; the buying-end can either be a business itself (B2B) or an individual consumer who has certain requirements (B2C). B2B sales are targeted for a limited segment of customers whereas B2C sales are aimed for the whole set of consumer market ( n.d.). The competition in the markets is more than ever and is still increasing. This has arisen as a result of the consumer’s access to global products and services rather than being restricted to local ones. E-business makes access to global products even more convenient. Companies are required to possess an attractive presence on the World Wide Web since otherwise they will loose the race for greater market shares and revenues. The following are some of the incentives that are gained by B2C websites: The dynamic nature of the web facilitates frequent promotions by companies regarding their products and services and these marketing strategies cost much lesser than the conventional modes of promotion and marketing. The internet user generally browses the website himself. The marketing messages can be reached to him on a personal level. There may exist enhanced responsiveness in the medium of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

China Kitchen Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

China Kitchen - Case Study Example ethical and legal issue brought up in the Kitchen Best case invites ethical questions when doing cross-boundary business in Southern China and the risks associated to such business practices and how could such behavior/s be avoided in the future. The ethical and to certain extent legal issues that beset Kitchen Best became apparent at the end of 2009 when Malaysia-based distributor Shago commission a European designer to come up with a range of appliances for its 40th anniversary collection. Shago then placed orders with Kitchen Best with some of appliances ordered came with a special gift set of microwable tableware. Shago however complained that the bowls and plates in the gift sets were not microwable and this is breach of contract where Shago demanded both a refund and compensation. Upon investigation, it was found that Sze, Kitchen Best’s purchasing and production manager who had been responsible for sourcing the gift sets had awarded the contract to a factory in Dongguan that was owned by his brother-in-law. In return for the order, Sze and his wife were offered a free package tour to Europe. Wei, who knew about the personal relationship between Sze and the factor owner, had not reported it in view of their rela tionships with Li. When in-house testing later showed that the product was faulty, she informed Sze, who told her he would handle it. However, no remedial action was taken and Wei decided not to pursue the matter any further. This incident was followed by the incident with Haus de Metro where bribery happened in the testing and certification of samples. This occurred when a shipment that was sent to German retail chain Haus de Metro did not meet the company’s safety requirements contrary to the satisfactory testing report received by Kitchen Best. Kitchen Best had subcontracted HdM’s orderfor electric water dispenser to Qinghua Electrical Appliance Ltd as its own production lines were fully occupied. Kitchen Best arranged for Keemark